Sunday, January 24, 2010

A bit of Blaine's beauty.

For those who wondered if it would EVER happen...

I understand our precious little City of Blaine, WA has weathered developers with big plans having inspired only unmet hopes and dreams. But we are not those developers. We said this time was different, that this time it would happen, and we meant it. And we do just whatever it is we say we will do.

Gary Tomasik (Blaine City Manager) said, "Never again will the stars align the way they have bringing all these players together to create this change."

The City of Blaine, Community Studio, and the Jacaranda Corporation (Ken and Brad Imus) are 100% committed to making the hopes, the dreams, and the plans real this time. We are creating a locally informed destination community. Stay in touch and watch what we do. I'll keep you posted. :-)

Great things are happening in Blaine, WA. The OSB to the far left in this photo is where the new Bank Building is now under construction.